If you know me even a bit, you know I love horror movies. I abhor the chic flick, I can't do comedy unless it's stand up, romance makes me want to crawl in a hole and die, but I do love horror. Any horror. I can usually find the good in most any horror flick. But the best are the ones that actually can scare me. Cuz it takes a bit to scare me, but when it does, I love it. So when I heard that people were actually being scared by the new movie Paranormal Activity, my heart went "thud" and I wanted to see it like a boy wants to see his new crush.
All I can say is it doesn't disappoint. I soooooooo don't want to give away the scariness, because that's the best part of the whole movie, but if you really like a genuine creepy scare, the kind that will have you leaving the hall light on at night, this is for you. There are parts that have me so creeped out I'm not sure I'll sleep thru the night without at least waking up and turning on the light to make sure. If I hear a sound for the next week, I'll think of this movie. The movie worked because it got into my brain and creeped me out in a real life kinda oh shit what if this really is how it is when I'm not looking kinda way.
My disclaimer... if you are not into scary shit, the kinda scary that makes you scared for a week when you get home.. movie not for you. If you like to feel creeped out for a week, rock on.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A bit behind

I am a bit behind on the xmas knitting. In fact, I forgot all about it until this week. oops. Luckily, I have a few things started. The pic is Aunt Dana's Russian Boots Pattern from the knitting calander my Mom gave me a few years back. They are being knit in Queensland Khatmandu Aran, which I thought I loved but I don't. It's not that I don't LIKE it, I just don't love it. The color is awesome, but the texture is kinda cottony and a bit stiff to knit with. I do have just enough to finish the slippers, and they are going to my Grandma. They are too small for me, which is how I measure feet. Too small for me is Grandma, just right is Mom, too big is Eric or other men. I dare ya to call me a perfectionist.
In other news, I think Dexter is part pony.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Heaven in my oven
Friday, October 23, 2009
I am not a good sick person

Ok, I can totally deal with being sick for a day, maybe 2. But this cold from hell that has been with me for 7 days now is really ticking me off. And not in the "oh, I feel miserable" sort of ticked off. Ticked off to the point of swearing like a sailor every time I sneeze (every 15 seconds or so), completely giving up on acting like a sick person and trying my level best to do normal healthy person things like the laundry and sweeping up the cat litter, then getting pissed because it exhausts me and sitting and bitching out loud to myself and the cats about how much I hate this. Today I managed the post office, the movie store, and the liquor store. I threw in some laundry, cleaned the poop boxes, and then sat. And sat.
Hard cider qualifies as Vitamin C, right?
At least the Scrunchable scarf is coming along nicely.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The plague....
I have it.. the plague. If I die please distribute my yarn amongst my knitting friends. They will know the value and what to do with it.
In lighter news, the Malabrigo has been swatched 5 times and is now the Scrunchable Scarf from Ravelry. It was a Chevron pattern, 2x2 rib, slip stitch, then 2x2 rib again. The colors didn't look good on any of those swatches. It is much better now. I think. The fever may have deluded me.
In lighter news, the Malabrigo has been swatched 5 times and is now the Scrunchable Scarf from Ravelry. It was a Chevron pattern, 2x2 rib, slip stitch, then 2x2 rib again. The colors didn't look good on any of those swatches. It is much better now. I think. The fever may have deluded me.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
New coat means more knitting

I was at Marshalls on Saturday and found myself and absolutely lovely new winter coat in a lovely chocolate brown color, so I have a new coat, which means new scarf, hat and mitten knitting time! As it turns out, that booooootiful skein of Malabrigo in Stonechat that Tracie gave me is the PERFECT match for the coat, with nice hints of pink but not too much pink. Luckily, I loved the colorway so much I picked up 2 more skeins of it when I was at Crafty Planet last time (such an enabler that Tracie is!) so I have enough for my new winter set. I will let you know what it is soon!
Monday, October 12, 2009
The little things
Sometimes it's the very small things that make me happy. Getting a higher score on Bejeweled than my aunt Julie. Enough gas in the car. Beer in the fridge. Clean litter boxes. Clean undies.
Today, the little thing is that Eric gets to take Itchy to the vet on Monday for his annual check up and shots. He finally gets to see and experience the drama that is Itchy AT THE VET. Good luck, and don't forget to have the tech do his nails!
Today, the little thing is that Eric gets to take Itchy to the vet on Monday for his annual check up and shots. He finally gets to see and experience the drama that is Itchy AT THE VET. Good luck, and don't forget to have the tech do his nails!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Cowls.. the new obsession
Friday, October 9, 2009
Bees gone?
I think the bees might be gone. I shut the storm window that I think they were coming in from and none today. There was also a frost last night, so that might be it too.
Eric brought me home flowers last night, I haven't seen him since Monday, so the flowers were a lovely thing. He's been doing disgusting hours, working until 2 or 3 am, but I saw him this morning, but only for a few min. The clutch went out on his new car, so we have to get that fixed this weekend.
My yarn diet will be busted tomorrow, I have errands to run and Crafty Planet gave me another gift certificate for spending a hideous amount of $ there, and they have a coupon to celebrate their new baby, so how can I resist!
That's all the news for now, Dexter has new sparkly balls, so I got to type for a few secs.
Eric brought me home flowers last night, I haven't seen him since Monday, so the flowers were a lovely thing. He's been doing disgusting hours, working until 2 or 3 am, but I saw him this morning, but only for a few min. The clutch went out on his new car, so we have to get that fixed this weekend.
My yarn diet will be busted tomorrow, I have errands to run and Crafty Planet gave me another gift certificate for spending a hideous amount of $ there, and they have a coupon to celebrate their new baby, so how can I resist!
That's all the news for now, Dexter has new sparkly balls, so I got to type for a few secs.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Anyone know how to get rid of bees?
Because I haven't quite had enough, somehow bees are getting in the house. I'm doing a hunt, but I can't seem to figure out where they are coming from. Upstairs sewing room. Somewhere. I kill about 6 a day. Thankfully, they are small, somewhat stunned bees, so no stings yet. But I just know....
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Enough Already!
Still sick. Went to bed at 8:30, didn't even try to stay up for Grey's. Get a call at 6:15 this am from a coworker, she's locked out of the building at work and has gone home and isn't coming back. Get another call from another coworker. Yes, I know, I'm on my way. No problem, she's gone to get coffee. I get there and have to spend 1/2 hr on the phone with the security company to no avail, they can't unlock our doors. We get in thru another part of the building. Yay! But since coworker is gone, and I'm still sick, the day sucked like you wouldn't believe. I had 14 freaking voice mails when I got in, and it didn't stop. Maybe the weather is making everyone cranky.
Because I am sick, I rescheduled my psych appt, but the office didn't tell the dr. So I get home to a voice mail from her asking where I was. Great, go to call her, the phones don't work. Even better. Get on cell phone, call Qwest, phone won't get fixed till Saturday.
Meanwhile, cats have decided to be ultra needy because E hasn't been home. Can't keep any 1 off me at any given time. And because I'm not feeling good (read shitty) this sucks. I slept like crap last night because sick sleep isn't the best and I had weird sick person dreams all night.
I don't care if I'm sick anymore, I'm drinking beer, watching TV, and drinking more beer. I freaking earned it.
Because I am sick, I rescheduled my psych appt, but the office didn't tell the dr. So I get home to a voice mail from her asking where I was. Great, go to call her, the phones don't work. Even better. Get on cell phone, call Qwest, phone won't get fixed till Saturday.
Meanwhile, cats have decided to be ultra needy because E hasn't been home. Can't keep any 1 off me at any given time. And because I'm not feeling good (read shitty) this sucks. I slept like crap last night because sick sleep isn't the best and I had weird sick person dreams all night.
I don't care if I'm sick anymore, I'm drinking beer, watching TV, and drinking more beer. I freaking earned it.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
When I'm over the flu...
When I'm over the flu remind me to tell you about the window salesman that came over. I thought he was coming for an insulation estimate....
I caught whatever the heck is going around. Running a temp of some sort off an on, chills, achy, generally quite on the miserable side. So miserable in fact that knitting cannot hold me. That's pretty miserable I tell ya
At least E is out in Vegas for the weekend, so he doesn't have to bear my miserable crabbiness that is me when sick. When I'm sick I want to be alone. I sleep, get up, wander around because I don't know what to do with myself, whine, then sleep more. then I whine because I can't sleep.
I haven't heard anything on the Big Insurance Company taking over our jobs, but will post if/when I do.
I caught whatever the heck is going around. Running a temp of some sort off an on, chills, achy, generally quite on the miserable side. So miserable in fact that knitting cannot hold me. That's pretty miserable I tell ya
At least E is out in Vegas for the weekend, so he doesn't have to bear my miserable crabbiness that is me when sick. When I'm sick I want to be alone. I sleep, get up, wander around because I don't know what to do with myself, whine, then sleep more. then I whine because I can't sleep.
I haven't heard anything on the Big Insurance Company taking over our jobs, but will post if/when I do.
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