I am making the Classic Chanel jacket from the book Knitting Simple Jackets by marilyn saitz cohen. If you don't have this book, you should get it. there are 25 jackets in there, some are more ponchos, but I really like almost all of them. Most are labeled easy as well. The shoulders are mostly dropped, so there is really no shaping for the armholes. I cast on this one last night. That's the back up there. Using the same yarn as used in the book, because remarkably I had it. The hancock fabrics closed here a while ago, and I got the Lion Brand chenille thick and quick for about $2 a skein. I have about 5.5 left. Just enough for the size small.
Which brings to a beautiful view I have about yarn. I have a lot of it. Really, I know that I do. So much that it fills my wonderful walk in closet from top to bottom and some is in bins here and there, and some is on the floor in ziplocs because I just don't have that much physical space on my home planet. But if it is on sale, like above, I will buy it. I bought this over 2 years ago. It has been in my closet for 2 years. I forgot it was there. I certainly had no project in mind when I did buy it, but there were 6 skeins right there, so I grabbed them. (do not come between me and sale yarn. You might be my friend when we walk into the store, but if you get it and I don't, you won't be my friend when we walk out.) But lo and behold, 2 years later I have a book that calls for that specific yarn. And I have it! I don't have to try to find it at regular price somewhere or do some bizarre mathematical equation and jump up and down 2 times when the moon is blue to substitute.
So there! Yarn hoarding justified.
I love "Knitting Simple Sweaters"! I just found it at my bookstore; being so new to knitting, I am so often intimidated by complicated instructions. Your yarn is fabulous.
Thanks deb! I am too intimidated by the complicated stuff. This sweater was sooooo easy to make!
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