I finished up the first try of the baby yoda baby sweater. Turned out very nicely I think. The hat matches the ribbon I used for the closure.
I also have been knitting away on my oddball bags. I love mindless tv knitting, and these are perfect. Especially because I have no shortage of oddballs, and am trying to get the stash a bit more under control. Not too much, but a little more.
I do hate the feeling of if I use the last bit of this yarn I am POSITIVE I will need it sometime in the future. Oh well....
Crafty planet is now selling roving.
Hey Susan,
My soon-to-be daughter is the lucky recipient of the baby yoda knitted sweater and hat. Thank you so much for the personalized keepsake for Lily. Only 6 weeks left and she can sport her new outfit! I'll send a pic so that you can upload it onto your site. :-)
Mom is setting up a website so that we can share pics of the baby shower and Lily, once she make her arrival around Sept. 13th.
Take care and keep on knitting! You do beautiful work.
Your friend,
Hi Susan,
By reading your site, it sounds like you are a busy lady with your knitting and writing. Your knitted baby yoda set is the best! I'm looking forward to seeing it on Lily.
Sounds like life is good...as it should be! We are sooo looking forward to Lily's arrival. Working on the nursery this week. We painted it a light green celedon color. It'll be a nice room once completed.
Hoping we can see both you and Eric in the near future. Take care and please keep in touch, ok?
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