The Summer swing jacket is done. The last of the knits, (fingers crossed behind back) for myself before the xmas holiday season. I modified a bunches, see other posts, and in the final photo you can see I added the Noro (gorgeous up close, really lovely colors) for the trim on the edges and neck. The neck I made is nothing at all like the pattern, but I like it more. And I added a vintage pin that I happend to have found a while back for the closure at the top. All in all a lovely sweater, but I will make it longer next time. I think the designer had smaller boobs than me.
oh, I found my diamond earrings in the sock drawer below where the earrings are kept. Me thinks a certain kitty person knocked them in there.
So now I am on to the holiday knitting. Eric, go read another blog. Lots of blogs to read. bye. mom too. other people to meet and greet. come back next week. I dont' think anyone else that I gave this bloggy address to reads this, but if you do, come back later and don't read this post. Seriously. I will open up a can of whoop ass.
Eric's knit is a hedgehog like Leo's was last year, only in sonic the hedgehog colors. I want to make mom a sweater, but time is getting a bit limited on the sweater. She may get Grumperina's odessa hat, with or without the beads, pending beady difficulty. Leo is definately getting the felted kitty, pending finding a black feltable yarn and piecing together the pattern.
So said, I did a proactive thing for holiday knitting I have never done before. I actually took out the patterns for the knits and put them all in a plastic bag with the yarn together as my "kit". They are all in my "wip" box. Now, whenever I need to start a new knit, the whole kit is there. I feel seriously brilliant right now. August, and I have holiday knitting kits. Someone congratulate me.
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