Ever enjoy a book so much that you don't want it to end? I still only have about 50 pages to go on Breaking Dawn, but I have loved the series of books so much I don't want to get to the last page. I could. Tonight even finish the book. BUT I DON WANNA!
In other news, I realized that my obsession with knitting during tv shows leaves me some time, so I joined a few charity knitting ops. I am now in about 4 or 5, I lost count, I will just knit as the blankies show up at my door. How it works is one person starts the blankie, and then passes it on needles and on to the next knitter in line. Usually via mail. I am lucky though, one of the people in the project lives close enough that we meet for coffee and knitting when it is time to pass on the blankie, and she is a dear. I get to see her again on Friday. Pic is of the first blankie I've worked on and the lovely ceramic jar she gave me as a small gift. Gotta love the knitters.
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