Monday, December 6, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Have you looked on top of your fridge lately?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I missed October

This was done in Noro Silk Garden, cast on 280 sts and knit sideways garter stitch until it was wide enough. I love this one!
This one was a bit of an obsession. Crafty Planet got a bunch of Malabrigo Rasta in that was gorgeous, but a bit expensive and low on the yardage, only 90 yards for $22. But then a coworker worked up this scarf and I instantly had to have my own! It's so lovely and smooooshy!
This last one kinda kicked my ass for a while. There are 24 rows, but only 23 are written out. So naturally, I knit about 2 feet of the scarf knowing the whole time that the cables looked off, but hoping that knitters hope that if I kept on knitting it would look fine magically when I knit the next row or the next row, and eventually I just gave in and looked at the pattern again and lo and freaking behold there was the 24th row. I had knit for 2 feet losing a row every 23 rows. Those cables were off my friends. I'm secretly happy I didn't take a before pic, because it really is stupid how off those cables were and I just kept knitting and hoping and knitting and watching Hawaii 5-0 distracting myself with Alex O'Laughlin's oh so lovely shirtless self. The blame isn't entirely my own.
But it sure is lovely now
The last pic is of what I think is the 2nd part of my Mom's Xmas present. Yep, it's still yarn. Technically it has been 6 different scarves, but I didn't like any of them, so they are all yarn again. Maybe wrap the box of yarn with an IOU for when I finally decide on a scarf pattern I like for it?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sweater kick

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Just a few things
Monday, August 2, 2010
I quit! & why I can't have a dog

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Houston, we've got sleeves!

In other news, we got an automatic cat feeder. It is set to go off and dump out a specified amount of food 3 times a day, so now we don't have to worry quite so much about being home to meet the cats needs.
This is what they all look like when they hear it dump the food. Dexter gets there first, cuz he's a big bully, Mulder usually moves in, and Itchy gets it last. We were worried that they weren't all getting enough, so we upped the amount a bit. Now it seems just perfect.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Wanna freak out a knitter?
I promise it is the fastest way to get said knitter to scream, grab yarn and bust into husband in the bathroom and shake out all the yarn in the tub.
The yarn is now in the freezer, just in case, and all surrounding yarn has been checked.
Googled, and it didn't look like anything other than a small baby centipede that probably crawled in the window.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Snot bubbles

And yes, I did take my camera to the vet for the sole purpose of taking his picture and blogging about it. So??????
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Moving right along

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Sweater Theory
Enter sweater class 2010. I have made sweaters, but in my mind, not a single one is 'THE" sweater. None of them can be thrown on without a bit of coordination. So until this year, I was still on the hunt. Knitter's Palette decided to host a make a sweater of your choice type class, and I was in.
First mistake was in the choosing of the pattern. I couldn't just choose one with shaping and seaming, no no no. I had to go for cables, and CHARTED cables nonetheless. I have never worked from a cable chart ever, but shoot, LET'S GO!
Picked favorite yarn. Ordered, bought, wound in a delightful little ball. Get pattern, look over. Decide it's confusing, but decide to wait until class to have a full on freak out.
Go to class. Gosh, this is confusing, but I got some good guidance from lovely Angela, and onward we go.
Second mistake. I went home fully confident I could make the back all by my lonesome. Never should have left the store. Should have sat there and knit until I finished the back because I have now re-knit the same piece 4 times. Partly because I failed to read, partly because Itchy thinks alpaca is awesome, partly because I can no longer count, and finally because I thought I would get fancy and write out the charted instructions so I could read them but still couldn't count so I ended up knitting for an hour and had one less row and one less stitch after ripping it all out.
Put the fucking knitting down...take a step back....
Picked up those needles, pulled out the fucking pattern, threw out my notes, and read from the chart...very very very very slowly.
Mother-f-ing success.
Only 2 hours spent to get 2 rows in.
If I don't get the best sweater out of this I quit knitting.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I think there is a special place in Hell for people that neglect or abuse animals.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Kill me now
A better idea would be to mediate me NOT waiting in the parking lot for him to come out and ramming my car into him over and over and over back and forth until his toes become severed from the rest of his body.
THAT would be a better idea.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Shepherd's Harvest pics

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Whatcha eating?
Today out of desperation for normal-ish food and something new, I made hard-boiled eggs for the first time ever in my life. Really. It was a feat to behold. I even had to look up how to do it on the Internet. Seriously. I paced for the whole 10 minutes they were "simmering" which I'm not really even sure I know what that means, thinking the whole time they would explode on the stove just like the time my Mom put them in the microwave and they blew the door off.
When they were done, I ate them with trepidation. They smelled good, they tasted good, but for about 2 hours I was beset with the idea that I would have food poisoning because I didn't do it right. Which I don't by the way. I'm fine. I think.
So I've realized I'm probably going to starve to death by this time next week if I don't get some ideas soon. I HATE TO COOK. Seriously. When I lived by myself I was so freaking proud of myself for making a spaghetti dinner that I thought I was queen of the world. I do that about once a year. Macaroni & cheese from the box is my cooking. And I only do that once a week or so. A plate of bacon used to and still can be a nice dinner. Add an egg if you have them, but they're easier to cook when you float them in the bacon grease so you can flip them. Rice-a-roni is not a side but a well thought out meal.
So what do you make? Is there anything in a box I can make other than pasta? A can of something other than ravioli? No. I willnotmakeramen.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
One incredibly cute burgundy corduroy jacket hanging out in the basement along with 2 sweatshirts and a cardigan I thought I had lost. Discovered while on the hunt for winter jackets to donate.

But hey, gotta start somewhere right?
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Something weird
1 You have a crapton of clothes
2 You still have nothing to wear and you hate it all
3 Except for the super cute burgundy corduroy jacket that yes indeed is missing.
4 You do not have enough hangers
5 Someone came and stole all of your underwear except the crappy stuff.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sexy Man

But then he growled.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Pictures Schmictures
YOU try living my life for 28.2 seconds and see if that's on the top of your to do list.
Just sayin...

Sunday, April 18, 2010
1st sale down, 1 to go
Monday, April 12, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010
Stupid Slippers

I made the medium size, I have a size 7.5 foot. Totally turned out too big. Felted for over an hour and now they are in the dryer trying to shrink them down. They are so big that putting them on makes me look like a Xmas elf without the bells on the toes.
So far the pattern was easy, the seaming is a pain in the ass, and I agree with other Ravelers on a few things:
1:7$ is too much for one pattern
2:Not specifying the type of make one that works best is a negative. I used the m1 by lifting the bar below, which caused a hole, which shows on only 1 of the slippers and not the other.
3: The sides are too short. I may try to mod by not decreasing as much for that middle part.
Things I like:
1: Easy peasy pattern.
2: Even if you are a beginner knitter, if you think about the construction of the slipper, you can modify the pattern to fit you better.
3: It uses up scrap-wool stash. Even if using the scrap wool stash is purely an attempt to perfect the $&#! thing.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Yarn dyeing for Easter
I soaked the bare yarn in some water and vinegar while we shopped at Home depot, came home and spread out the yarn in the backyard over some plastic and mixed my dyes. Today I used the Neon food colors you can get at the food store. I put the color into separate squeeze bottles and played with the colors.
Here the yarn is soaking up the sun rays in the backyard to heat the color into it:

Monday, March 22, 2010
No time to write, must spin, or is it knit?
The first is the MN Textile center garage sale in April. I blogged last year. Hence the reason behind the must knit. I always buy toooooo much there. It's not really my fault though. It's the yarn. It calls to me. It just feels so lonely and unloved, it needs a home and friends.
The second is the Shepherd's harvest festival in May. This is a spinners dream, and the first year I went which was 2 years ago was right before I got the wheel from my Mom and I still bought too much. Fiber is way cheaper than yarn, and has so many wonderful possibilities that aren't being held back by being yarn already that it's just way too much fun to buy too much.
So sorry for the short post, but you knitters/spinners understand right? Gotta make room!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Post blocking

Saturday, March 13, 2010
When you block at my house
Monday, March 8, 2010
Wicked in Malabrigo

Sunday, March 7, 2010
And a hat too!

Saturday, February 27, 2010