Yes, I know I promised landscaping pics a while ago.
YOU try living my life for 28.2 seconds and see if that's on the top of your to do list.

This is the after shot of the pond. LOVE IT! They took out all the grossness and added goodies like real pretty rocks and redid the water bowls so they don't get so yucky.

This is the backyard. They pulled EVERYTHING OUT and redid with cedar mulch, that smells like freaking heaven, and planted cute little evergreens everywhere.

That's the front. The bushes are a gorgeous bluish hue, and they should get about 5 feet around. Let me tell you, I'm watering those things like I've never watered in my life. Well... I haven't...
There ya go.
One week to go until my 2 week vacation. I'm going to Shepherd's Harvest in Lake Elmo and that's it. NADA. Well, I threatened the DH that I would clean the basement, so I might follow thru on that. Other than that, NOPE, NADA! Plan to get my knit on, my spin on, and my beer drinking on. Not in that order.
I like the beer drinking part! Your landscaping looks FAB!!!!
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