I think there is a special place in Hell for people that neglect or abuse animals.
We called Animal Control, and a very nice officer came and took her along with a coworker to the animal hospital. They won't have to amputate her foot, which they were afraid of, and she might not need stitches if they can help it. The coworker wants to adopt her, but is afraid of the expense. She did hear from the officer (who has rescued and kept 3 of his own dogs) that said the station could impound her for 10 days, then she could come get her at a lesser expense than having to pay all the vet bills out of pocket.
Oh, that poor dog! I hope your co-worker ends up with her and the dog doesn't go back to the original owner.
My heart just aches when I hear stories like that.
I'm with Pam; stories about abused animals break my heart.
I hope your coworker can keep her.
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