Yesterday I was home upstairs in my super fabulous craft room knitting away on another oddball bag. These are bags of my own design, I just cast on and knit a squareish bottom, pick up the outside stitches, and knit away. When I run out of one ball, I add another. I have lots of oddball yarn, so this is the greatest stash reducer, time waster of all. DH came home and asked what I was making. I said I wasn't in the mood for spinning, or lace scarves, or such n such, so I just cast on for the oddball bag. and he said, "oh, meditative knitting" I love the crap out of him.
On another note, meditative knitting is also enjoyed by cats. Mulder seems to really like to lay in between meditative knitting and the tv. Hence, belly loves commence. What he wants he gets. On the other hand, Itchy wants to KILL the knitting, which is not ok with me, so he is banished to "go away or I will swat you" land.
I need a bag for my knitting. think I will try and make one of your oddball bags. How many stitches do you pick up for the handles to make it sturdy enough?
I don't pick up stitches for the handles. I knit garter stitch handles and shove them thru the top of the bag at opposite sides and knot them on the inside so they don't come off. Does that make sense?
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