Sunday, January 31, 2010

Color me obsessed

The picture is crappy, but that is the start of my Fiddlehead mittens from the class I am taking, and even though this 2 color thing makes me want to vomit a bit with the difficulty of trying to hold yarn in both hands at a time, I'm loving it. Just started working on the thumb gusset, and I have to say that working from a chart makes it way easier to say "one more row" especially when you see the neato pattern you are making WITH COLORS!

I do feel a bit like I'm learning to knit all over again. Darcy is teaching us to use the colors with one in each hand at the same time, and I am not all that coordinated to begin with, so this is quite a bit more of a challenge for me than the others in the group. I left the class yesterday with a knot in my stomach and my teeth hurting from clenching them because I was concentrating so hard on what I was doing with my fingers. Today was better, I didn't want to stomp on the mitt in the snow, so we'll see if this is a trend toward the better.

If it is, I'm loving the crap out of it. Lookout Visa, knitting just got more expensive.


Tracie said...

Lookin' Good! I just started a hat that is colorwork. I don't know if I can do two colors in one hand though.....

Mulderknitter said...

It's tough, but worth it I think if you stick with it

wildrose said...

Awesome, looks as complex as some of my weaving patterns - Love It!