Monday, December 1, 2008

I won something!

remember all those mini socks? Well, turns out that lovely Momwolf decided to put all the knitters that knit on them into a drawing for a gift certificate and I won! I never win anything! I ordered a book, an extra needle set for my Options, some yarn for a sweater and an alpaca sampler. Yes, it was over the gift card amount, but heck, already placing the order!
I can't tell you how exciting this is for me. I love doing things for other people, but like the rest of you I'm sure that sometimes you feel like your generosity of time is not quite as appreciated as you were hoping. That isn't meant to be snarky, it just is what it is. A lot of people do a lot of stuff for other people and we really aren't always recognized. Sometimes even the "thank you" is missing. Not always. but sometimes. This small recognition has really meant a lot to me. It's not the $. It could have been a thank you card. It's the recognition.
Thank you again, knitters and momwolf.

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